Monday, 13 May 2013

New Term- New Theme: Mission to Mars!

This term Class 5D will be working on all their subjects based on the theme: Mission to Mars. Student will use the Literacy, Maths and Science skills we have reviewed in the previous 2 terms and apply them ‘real-world’ tasks. The end-of-term outcome is that students will prepare a presentation and model of their habitable Mars construction.

To blast off into the unknown with all that we know so far, students will visit the Planetarium to participate in as session called  “ Fragile Planet”. We will also visit the museum and record interesting information.

Our core subjects of Literacy, Maths and Science will be closely linked to this theme. In Literacy, students will prepare a story to a space adventure; and prepare information reports. The weekly spelling lists will be based on the different subjects for this theme. This will allow students to hear, learn and use spelling words more frequently and easily.  In Maths, students will apply what they have learnt about ratio and proportion; measurement; 2D and 3D shapes; and calculation. The topic knowledge we will use from Science include: Earth and Beyond; and Habitats and Environments.

Our other subjects such as Geography; History; Art and Music will also be linked to this theme. In Geography we will use the Mars surface models that we have made to learn about mapping mountains using contour lines. We will also do research and a comparison between tallest mountains from the different home countries. In History we will create a short film about the major civilisations and eras of Western history, including Victorian history.  To help with the filming, students will be asked to prepare a costume and prepare items to re-enact the lifestyle for a particular era.

The Art and Music teachers will also be doing activities related to the space theme. In Art theory, we will learn about the artist Richard Calder and will work on making well-balanced mobiles with the art teacher, Mme Desaint.

Our work will also allow students to learn about societal topics such as leadership, laws, and diversity in communities. The tasks carried out will enable students to practice and develop their teamwork skills.

The students will compile their research worksheets, planning, photos and results into one ‘Mission to Mars’ portfolio to take home for the end of the term.


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