Thursday 16 May 2013


To blast-off into our theme- 'Mission to Mars',  Class 5D went on a field trip to the planetarium. We watched a film on the 360 degree screen about our beautiful fragile planet and took trips around the solar system to see what other planets are like. The film also took us out of the solar system and galaxy and talked about the immense possibilities of our universe! Pretty amazing, mind-boggling stuff. It was in French so some students couldn't understand everything, but I think they could understand the main point-that we are lucky to have a planet that gives us life so we should take care of it.

We also had the chance to see and play with some of the hands-on displays about space travel and about our active planet.

At lunch we got to go and play outside  on the green grass and enjoy the warmth from our sun...


Anonymous said...

that was so fun!

Unknown said...

yes, I liked there so much! Especially the rocket shooot!!!!

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