Thursday, 18 April 2013

Between the Tests!

Between some of the tests, the students have been working on independant tasks I have prepared or tasks they have selected (and I've approved).

Rashad said he would like to make a volcano, so we did! We built the volcano yesterday. While it was drying, he and Sophia did an experiment to see what combination of bicarbonate soda, vinegar and other ingredients would create a real looking eruption.

Today Rashad painted it and some other students helped to label it and get it all ready. Then, this afternoon... There was a volcanic eruption in our rooooooooooom!

 Sophia and Rashad doing an experiment to see which mixture looks more realistic.
The orange mix also has a little bit of soap in it so it foams up really well
Rashad, Sophia, Tara (5M) and Yoonsun (5M) helped to finish it off.

Getting the volcano ready for the eruption.

It erupted!Ahhhhhhhhh!!

Here's the video of it erupting...

Cambridge Tests Time

Yesterday was the first day for the Cambridge Checkpoint tests. we've been preparing for the whole term for these so its exciting that we're finally doing them.
The students started with Literacy and then they had Maths and Science today. They will have another one tomorrow and more on Monday and Tuesday... So many!

First test- I'm feeling the stress/excitement too
 In the exam room for the Literacy exam
In the exam room today for Science

Birthdays- Nikita and Miyu

At the end of March, Nikita celebrated her birthday! she kindly bought in some delicious cupcakes and drinks. Miyu also had her birthday in April and she brought in bags of treats for everyone! Thank you girls and we hope you had a lovely day!

Spelling Bee Champions of the WHOLE WIDE PARIS!

A few weeks ago, 3 students from our class-Jignya, Miyu and Minsung, represented the school in the final round of the Paris Spelling Bee competition.
Miyu managed to get 5th place and Minsung......FIRST PLACE! He is now the Paris Spelling Bee Champion 2013!

On the Day (Photo from Jignya's dad)

The Spelling Bee Finalists and Champion.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Science- Mixing and Separating

We talked about mixing and separating materials.
We evaporated a salt solution to separate the salt and water vapour.

Mixing a sugar solution

Adding salt to warm water

Keep mixing!

Yup- it's salty!

The water evaporated and all that is left is the sugary stuff

Learning about the processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation helped us learn about the Water Cycle. Here we are doing a puppet show! It was fun.

UNESCO Science Award Presentations

A few weeks ago, some grade 5 students  from Mr May's class and my class attended the UNESCO L'OREAL science award presentation. This is where leading female scientist presented the work they are doing. It was pretty difficult to understand everything, but it was interesting all the same. The students were very well behaved and represented the school well.