Friday, 28 June 2013

Last Days of School

Today is the last day of school!

Last art class for Grade 5

Goodbye Lucia

Park Time Summer Fete

The Student Council organised and ran a little summer fete in the park. There were different games and students could play them to win prize tickets. Once they collected 2 prize tickets, they could get a little prize. It was pretty fun! Well done to class 5D for setting up and helping to run the activities.

Mars Colony- Building it

The Mars Colonies are almost complete. Students had to make sure to construct the buildings ans roads/ connections that they planned for in their budgets. The groups are really practicing their teamwork skills.

They are looking great!

The Space Debate

The topics this term were:

Is it a good idea for humans to try living on Mars?
Is space research a waste of money?

Once again the students did a great job of researching and this tile they prepared powerpoint presentations to support their team' s argument.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Science- Mars Colony

Students started planning their Mars Colony. The Groups had to think about what humans need and want in order to survive there. Students had to work out what buildings to construct and the costs of construction. Each group had a budget and had to make sure they included the necessary things first.
Some groups started constructing the3D shapes for the buildings.

Gaellic Football with ISP

A few weeks ago, we went to participate in a Gaellic Football training session with students from ISP (International School Paris). Luckily w managed to learn some skills and play the game before it stqrted to rain too heavily.

After that we went to the park and had lunch under the trees. Then we play sports  like frisbee, cricket, football and skipping .

Computer broken

My little Macbook computer is not working (motherboard died) so hence, the lack of blogging and it also means no film because all the video clips were on my computer and the program I use to make films (iMovies). So I'm going to try and do a quick update with the school computer ( and crazy French keyboard).

Sunday, 9 June 2013

History and filming

After a very little/quick overview of world history, the students chose the ancient civilisations that they would like to find out more about. During the week students researched and prepared a small storyboard presentation of some interesting parts of their findings. Then, they worked on preparing costumes, props and filming.
The Roman toilet scene. 

Roman makeup

Some information about Egyptian mummies.

An Aztec in action.
The filming is finally finished and I whipped a little trailer (with iMovies) . The full length film.... should be out before the summer!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Geography- Mapping and Mountains

The Class 5D Space Research Agency have successfully landed on Mars! The research teams have mapped the terrain of the Mars surface including the mountains and craters.

In order to do this, the groups worked hard to understand the main features of maps (BOLTS- border, orientation, legend, title, scale).  They especially worked hard to understand how to calculate the scale of a model size object compared to the real size object. The teams also learnt about contour lines as a way to represent mountains. They created contour lines on the model Mars surface, then mapped it.

They also did research and created fantastic posters of our beautiful mountains right here on Earth.

Class 5D research team- Excellent work!

Creating a scale model of a giraffe and calculating the scale of the model to it's real size.

Making scale models
A tiny computer! teeehee! Working out the scale of this tiny cutie computer to the real size

Calculating the scale of a space shuttle model.

Creating a mountain cross-section from the contour lines on a map.

Making contour lines on the Mars surfaces.

Using a slide-rule to measure the approximate contour heights.
All hands on contours!

Very pretty contours

Contours done and labelled. Now to map them.

A lovely map with a transparent contour map overlay.

Contours Mapped

Getting a birds-eye view.