Sunday, 30 September 2012

Weeeeeeek 4!

This week we finished our King Kong morning story and had a little practice debate about the hero and the villain in the story. We started reading a fun book called (the Horrible) Mr Gum.

Our little plants enjoyed all the rain. We built frames for the builds to climb up and the very next day we found that one of the peas had already grabbed on. We thought this was so cool! How does it know!?!

During Science we talked about balanced and unbalanced forces. The students worked in groups to prepare and present objects to demonstrate this.


 Unbalanced. Ahhhhhh! Watch out!

We also carried out our first experiment to test the friction of different string tracks for little balloon rockets. As most of us predicted, the wire had less friction compared to the wool and string. Some students even pointed out that maybe string thickness affected the result. Great thinking!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Term 1 Week 3

This week we voted for our Student Council Representatives.  They are: Miyu, Minsun and Kalkidan! Well done. There are elections each term so that students who would like to do it can try again then. Here are some of pictures of some of our work:

We labelled where the major mountain ranges are on our fab world map.

Measuring the weight/force on her forcemeter.

This container has a force of....'something' newtons

After testing our homemade forcemeters, we tried real ones!

Hard at work using real forcemeters

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Term 1 Week 2!

                                                                We've been framed!

Science: Astrobird flew in to help us learn about gravity, weight and mass

 Science: Making forcemeters (probably not very accurate ones...but close)

One of our little garden boxes

Geography: Oh, you know, we're just making THE WORLD

History: We made a timeline

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Welcome to Class 5D

Welcome to the new school year and our class blog!

This is where you will be able to see photos and sometimes videos of our learning activities, and where will write about our experiences. Sometimes students will write a blog entry, but most of the time it will be me, Ms Deamer.

Some tabs across the top of the page where you can find learning links for homestudy and links for extra practice. There is also a Calendar tab for the important events in our class and school. I will try and keep it updated!

You can also make comments in the comments section. It's always fun to read comments from our parents!

Here's class 5D already hard at work! Some of us were working on our papier-mache 3D world map.